x On termine l'année 2012 avec une grosse liste assez illisible mais pleine d’amour de tout ce qu'on a écouté et adoré (il y a surement des oublis, on s'en excuse).
Pas de top car c'est beaucoup trop prise de tête mais une liste d'une centaine d'albums, d'EPs et de singles qu’on vous conseille assurément d’acheter (les yeux fermés) et on remercie chaleureusement tous les artistes, groupes, labels, organisateurs de concerts et le public avisé pour cette magnifique année musicale.
Pour information, on débutera 2013 en passant par la Suède, l’Est de la France et la Californie avec les interviews d’Holograms, Feeling Of Love et White Fence.
En attendant, bonnes fêtes de fin d’année et gardez la foi !
x We’re ending 2012 with a big unreadable list with all that we loved and listened (sorry for the one we forgot).
There is no “top” because it’s impossible to set, but a list of more than a hundred LPs, EPs and singles, that we advise you (without hesitation) to buy.
Thanks to all of the artists, bands, labels, bookers and happy audience for this wonderful musical year.
For your information we’ll begin 2013 around Sweden, Eastern France and California with Holograms, Feeling Of Love and White Fence's interviews.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and keep the faith!
Bazooka // I Want To Fuck All The Girls In My School EP //
Slovenly Records // http://www.slovenly.com/
Beat Mark // Two Bit Dezperados // Split // Shit
Music For Shit People / Way Out There Records // http://www.shitmusicforshitpeople.com / http://www.facebook.com/wayoutthererecords
Bitch Prefect // Big Time
// Bed Room Suck Records // http://bedroomsuckrecords.com/
Blasted Canyons // 2nd Place // Castle Face Records // http://www.castlefacerecords.com/
Blissed Out Fatalists // Blissed Out Fatalists (reissue) //
Body Double // http://www.bodydoubleltd.com/releases.html
Brothers in Law // Gray Days EP // We were never being
boring // http://www.wwnbb.net/store/
Can // The Lost Tapes Box Set // Mute // http://mute.com
Cheap Time // Wallpaper Music // In The Red Records // http://www.intheredrecords.com/
Cheval Sombre // Mad Love // Sonic Cathedral // http://www.soniccathedral.co.uk/
Chris Cohen // Overgrown Path // Captured Tracks // http://capturedtracks.com/
Cleaners From From Venus // Reissues //
Captured Tracks // http://capturedtracks.com/
Clinic // Free Reign // Domino // http://www.dominorecordco.com
Craft Spells // Gallery // Captured Tracks // http://capturedtracks.com/
Crash normal // Your Body Got a Land' // Born Bad Records //
Crocodiles // Endless Flowers // French Kiss Records // http://www.frenchkissrecords.com/
Crusaders of Love // Take It Easy! But Take It! // FDH
Records // http://www.fdhmusic.com/
Dead Mellotron // Glitter // Sonic Cathedral // http://www.soniccathedral.co.uk/
Destination Lonely // Kiss or Kicks // Les Disques Steak //
Dexys // One Day I'm
Going to Soar // Major
Dick Diver // Alice EP // Chapter Music // http://www.chaptermusic.com.au/
Die Jungen // At Breath's End // Lebensstrasse Records // http://lebensstrasse.bigcartel.com/
Dignan Porch // Nothing Bad Will Ever Happen // Captured
Tracks // http://capturedtracks.com/
DIIV // Oshin // Captured Tracks // http://capturedtracks.com/
Dreamscape // La-Di-Da Recordings // Kranky // http://www.kranky.net/
Dum Dum Girls // End of Daze // Sub Pop // http://www.subpop.com/
Each Other // Heavily Spaced // Self released // http://eachotherssongs.bandcamp.com/album/heavily-spaced
Featureless Ghost // Personality Matrix LP // Night People
// http://www.raccoo-oo-oon.org/np/index.html
Foxygen // Take The Kids Off Broadway // Jagjaguwar // http://www.jagjaguwar.com/
Gap Dream // Gap Dream //
Burger Records // http://www.burgerrecords.org/
Girls Names / Weird Dreams // A Troubled See / House of
Secrets // Slumberland Records // http://www.slumberlandrecords.com/
Grizzly Bear // Shields // Warp // http://warp.net/
Halasan Bazar // How To Be Ever Happy // Moon Glyph // http://moonglyph.com/
Half Church // Half Church
1980-1986 // Body Double Ltd // http://www.bodydoubleltd.com/releases.html
Happy Jawbone Family Band // ST // Night People // http://www.raccoo-oo-oon.org/np/index.html
Hellshovel // Hated by the Sun //
Slovenly Records // http://www.slovenly.com/
Henry the Rabbit // Year of the Rabbit // Self released // http://soundcloud.com/henrytherabbit
Hhappiness // Banana 7" // Almost Musique // http://www.almost-musique.com/
Holograms // Holograms // Captured Tracks // http://capturedtracks.com/
Home Blitz // Frozen Track
// Mexican Summer // http://www.mexicansummer.com/shop/home-blitz-frozen-track/
House of Love // House of Love (Deluxe Edition) (Reissue) //
Cherry Red Records // http://www.cherryred.co.uk/
Innergaze // Mutual Dreaming // Minimal Wave // http://minimalwave.com/
JC Satan // Faraway Land // Teenage Menopause // http://teenagemenopause.bandcamp.com/album/faraway-land
Jessica Bailiff // At the Down-Turned Jagged Rim of the Sky
// Kranky // http://www.kranky.net/
Jessica Pratt // Jessica Pratt // Birth Records // http://birthrcrds.com/
Kendrick Lamar // good kid, m.A.A.d city // Aftermath
King Tuff // King Tuff // Sub Pop // http://www.subpop.com/
King Tuff // King Tuff // Sub Pop // http://www.subpop.com/
Klub Des Loosers // La Fin De L'espèce // Disques du Manoir // http://www.klubdesloosers.com
Lantern // Dream Mine // Bathetic Records // http://batheticrecords.com/
Lantern // Burned Youth // Night People // http://www.raccoo-oo-oon.org/np/index.html
Lee Hazlewood // A House Safe For Tigers Soundtrack // Light
in the Attic // http://lightintheattic.net/releases/739-a-house-safe-for-tigers
Lee Hazlewood // The LHI Years: Singles, Nudes &
Backsides (1968-71) // Light in the Attic http://lightintheattic.net
Lonely Walk // Lovergeist // Self released // http://monsieurcranethelonelywalk.bandcamp.com/album/animal-blood-spell
Lotus Plaza // Spooky Action at a Distance // Kranky // http://www.kranky.net/
Lower // Walk On Heads // Escho // http://escho.net/
Mac DeMarco // 2 // Captured Tracks // http://capturedtracks.com/
Magic Trick // Ruler of the Night // Harldy Art // http://hardlyart.com/
Medicine // Reissues // Captured Tracks // http://capturedtracks.com/
Mind Spiders // Meltdown
// Dirtnap Records // http://www.dirtnaprecs.com/
Moonbell // S/T // Loglady Records // http://theloglady.com/
Naomi Punk // The Feeling // Captured Tracks // http://capturedtracks.com/
New Candys // Stars Reach The Abyss // Self released // http://newcandys.bandcamp.com/album/stars-reach-the-abyss
Peak Twins / Scott & Charlene's Wedding // Split // Night People / Bed Room Suck // http://www.raccoo-oo-oon.org/np/index.html
Peaking Lights // Lucifer // Mexican Summer // http://www.mexicansummer.com/
Pop Singles // All Gone // Night People // http://www.raccoo-oo-oon.org/np/index.html
Pop Singles // All Gone // Night People // http://www.raccoo-oo-oon.org/np/index.html
R Steevie Moore // Lo Fi Hi Fives. A Kind Of Best Of // O Genesis // http://www.ogenesisrecordings.com/
Radar Eye // S/T LP // Hozac Records //
Rayon Beach // This Looks Serious // Hozac Records // http://hozacrecords.com/
Royal Baths // Better Luck Next Life // Kanine Records // http://kaninerecords.com/
Royal Trux // Accelerator (reissue) // Drag City // http://www.dragcity.com/
Second H. Sam // 7" // Shit Music For Shit
People // http://www.shitmusicforshitpeople.com
Shimmering Stars // Ghosts Past EP // Almost Musique // http://www.almost-musique.com/
Sic Alps // Sic Alps // Drag City // http://www.dragcity.com/
Slim Twig // A Hound At The Hem // Self released // http://www.slim-twig.com/
Sonny & The Sunsets // Longtime Companion // Polyvinyl
// http://www.polyvinylrecords.com/
Strange Hands // S/T // Shit Music For Shit People // http://www.shitmusicforshitpeople.com
Sundaze // Snow Falling (EP) // Self released // http://sundaze.bandcamp.com
Tamaryn // Tender New Signs // Mexican Summer // http://www.mexicansummer.com
Tame Impala // Lonerism
// Modular // http://www.modularpeople.com/
The Band in Heaven // HoZac 7" // Hozac Records // http://hozacrecords.com/
The Box // 7 " // Plastic Spoon
Records // http://plasticspoonsrecords.bigcartel.com/
The Brian Jonestown Massacre // Aufheben // A Records // http://www.brianjonestownmassacre.com/
The Durutti Column //
Short Stories for Pauline // ?
The Feeling Of Love // La Peur est une Illusion // Les Disques de la Face Cachée /
CAPTCHA Records // http://www.hbsp-2x.com // http://www.la-face-cachee.com/
The Feeling Of Love & Ty Segall // Split 7'' // Permanent Records // http://www.permanentrecordschicago.com/news.php
The Fresh & Onlys // Long Slow Dance // Mexican Summer
// http://www.mexicansummer.com
The KVB // Always Then // Clan Destine Records // http://thekvb.bandcamp.com/album/always-then
The Limiñanas // Crystal Anis // Hozac Records // http://hozacrecords.com/
The Mallard // Yes On Blood // Castle Face Records // http://www.castlefacerecords.com/
The People's Temple // Looter's Game // Hozac Records // http://hozacrecords.com/
The Raveonettes // Observator // Vice Records
The Soft Moon // Zeros // Captured Tracks // http://capturedtracks.com/
The Sufis // The Sufis // Ample Play // http://ampleplay.tumblr.com/
The UV Race // Racism // In The Red Records // http://www.intheredrecords.com/
The Velvet Underground & Nico // The Velvet Underground
& Nico 45th Anniversary (Reissue) // Major
Thee Oh Sees // Putrifiers II // In The Red Records // http://www.intheredrecords.com/
Thieves Like Us // Bleed Bleed Bleed // Captured Tracks // http://capturedtracks.com/
Thulebasen // Forever Grinings 12" // Tambourhinoceros
// http://tambourhinoceros.net/
Tim Burgess // Oh No I
Love You // O Genesis // http://www.ogenesisrecordings.com/
Total Control // Scene from a Marriage // Sub Pop // http://www.subpop.com/
TOY // Toy // Heavenly Recordings // http://heavenlyrecordings.com/artists/toy/
Twerps // Work It Out 7" // Underwater Peoples /
Chapter Music // http://underwaterpeoples.com
/ http://www.chaptermusic.com.au/
Ty Segall // Twins // Drag City // http://www.dragcity.com/
Ty Segall & White Fence // Hair // Drag City // http://www.dragcity.com/
Ty Segall Band // Slaughterhouse // In The Red Records // http://www.intheredrecords.com/
Useless Eaters // C'est Bon! // Southpaw Records // http://www.southpaw-records.com/
VA Burger Records // The Kitty Comp // Burger Records // http://www.burgerrecords.org/
VA Castle Face Records // The Velvet Underground & Nico
by Castle Face and Friends // Castle Face Records // http://www.castlefacerecords.com/
VA La Rennes Garage // La Rennes Garage // Open Art Surgery
// http://www.facebook.com/pages/Open-Art-Surgery/315985299093
VA LTM#1 (Le Turc Mécanique) // Le Turc Mécanique Cassette
// Le Turc Mécanique // http://www.leturcmecanique.org/
Vermillion Sands // 7" // Shit Music For Shit People //
Volage // MADDIE E.P // Self released // http://volage.bandcamp.com/album/maddie-e-p
War // At War For Youth // Sacred Bones Records // http://www.sacredbonesrecords.com/
White Fence // Family Perfume vol. 1 // Woodsist // http://www.woodsist.com/
White Fence // Family Perfume Vol. 2 // Woodsist // http://www.woodsist.com/
Woollen Kits // Four Girls // RIP Society / Trouble In Mind
Records // http://troubleinmindrecs.com
/ http://ripsocietyrecords.tumblr.com/
Wymond Miles // Under the Pale Moon // Sacred Bones Records
// http://www.sacredbonesrecords.com/
Younolovebunny // Happy Nation II cassette // Almost Musique
// http://www.almost-musique.com/

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